Welcome to Light Lane Dental Practice
024 7622 8108


Does the idea of visiting a dentist make you overly anxious and feeling scared? We can help.

Does the idea of visiting a dentist make you overly anxious and feeling scared?

At Light Lane Dental Practice want you to feel confident about visiting us. We are able to offer you with sedation medication that will put you into a relaxed and calm state of mind prior to your dental treatment.

Dental sedation, coupled with relaxation techniques utilised by our resident dental practitioners give you the calmness that gets you through a dental treatment with significantly reduced anxiety. It differs from an anaesthetic as you will feel no pain and you will remain fully aware throughout your treatment. Dental sedation will simply permit you to keep a degree of calmness as well as control whilst spending your time with the dental professional.

And there’s no cause for you to worry. We will keep an eye on your blood pressure, pulse, and the oxygen in your blood, as well as monitor your heart for the time you are under sedation.

At Light Lane Dental Practice we have trained dentists with many years of experience in both oral and intravenous sedation.

Our resident dental expert will talk about the overall fees for the treatment with you at your appointment.

Book your dental appointment on 024 76 228 108.

Call: 024 76 228 108